Wypowiedź 1.
Boy: The teacher entered the classroom with a very serious face and gave each of us a page with 20 test questions. She explained we had to read all the questions first before we started answering them. But the test questions were so easy that I started writing my answers while reading. When I got to the last one, I saw the words “Don’t answer any of the questions. Just write your name.” And then my teacher said with a smile, “It’s April Fool’s Day today.”

Wypowiedź 2.
Girl: The day before April Fool’s Day, my friend and I got some pieces of paper and wrote “WET PAINT – PLEASE DON’T TOUCH” on them. The next day we put the pieces of paper on some of the desks in our classroom and on the teacher’s desk, too. We had so much fun watching our classmates who tried not to touch their desks. But our teacher, Miss Frisk, immediately knew it was a joke.

Wypowiedź 3.
Boy: In our history classroom there are many posters of kings and queens on the walls. On the day before April Fool’s Day we replaced the faces of the kings and queens with photos of famous actors and actresses. The biggest poster was of King Henry VIII. We put a photo of our teacher’s face on it. Then during the lesson we asked our teacher why he looked so similar to King Henry. Our teacher joked that the king was his great-great-grandfather.

Wypowiedź 4.
Girl: On the first of April, our class decided to switch classrooms for the first lesson with another class. When their teacher walked in, she was surprised to see us instead of her students. She went out to check if she had gone into the right classroom. Then she came back in and found us all laughing.
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