Tekst 1.
Boy: Here is our shopping list. We have to buy some bread, carrots, potatoes and a book for Chris. I’ll go to the greengrocer’s and the bakery and you go to the bookshop, OK?

Girl: No way! I am not buying a book for Chris without you. What if I choose one he doesn’t like?

Boy: Well, we haven’t got enough time to go to the bookshop together.

Girl: OK, so here is the plan. You go and choose the book and I’ll get the bread. Then I’ll wait for you at the greengrocer’s.

Boy: OK, then we can carry everything home together.

Tekst 2.
Boy: Are you ready for Aunt Emily’s wedding?
Girl: Almost, I’ve bought a beautiful evening dress. Look.
Boy: Wow, it’s truly amazing.
Girl: I only have to buy a little black bag to go with the dress.
Boy: What about shoes?
Girl: Well, I’ll wear the pair Aunt Emily gave me for my last birthday.

Tekst 3.
Man: When I talked to our players before the championships, they seemed quite optimistic. I guess they weren’t really surprised by their easy victory in the final. What are they going to say about their historic win? I’m standing with a crowd of fans waiting for our champions to land. As you can hear, people are cheering and singing. Everybody is ready to welcome our team right here in the arrivals hall after their long flight. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Now over to you, Jack, for more sports news.

Tekst 4.
Girl: Grandpa, it’s me, Lisa. You won’t believe it, but a few hours ago I found a kitten in the park! He looked hungry. I took him home, gave him some food and now he is sleeping under my bed. My parents don’t know anything about the kitten yet and I haven’t spoken to anybody else. Please don’t tell anyone. I’ll call you later.

Tekst 5.
Boy: Let’s play a game. I’ll talk about someone and you have to guess who it is.
Girl: OK, I’m ready.
Boy: So, this person’s favourite book is Anne of Green Gables and I think she is just like Anne in the novel: intelligent, imaginative and she always says what she thinks. I really like spending time with her. We even sit together in our English class. Recently, she joined a theatre club and I think she may become a professional actress.
Girl: I think I know who she is.
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